‘We don’t like our money’: The story of the CFA and Bitcoin in Africa

Nearly 150 million people use the franc of the Financial Community of Africa (CFA) on a daily basis, from Senegal in the extreme west to Gabon in the center of the continent. Used in 14 countries, the CFA franc is pegged to the euro, printed in France and its monetary policy is controlled by Western […]

Mama Bitcoin: Fishing for female empowerment with crypto in West Africa

Mama Bitcoin is the pseudonym claimed by a young Senegalese Bitcoiner called Bineta. Her business, Bleu comme la mer, was the first retailer in Senegal (and possibly West Africa) to accept crypto as payment. She’s also the first generation of her family to read and write proficiently.  The name Mama Bitcoin takes inspiration from the […]

One man's plan to orange pill a nation: Bitcoin Senegal

Nourou is a 29 year old Bitcoiner with a vision for his home country. A former financial analyst for a French Bank, he founded Bitcoin Senegal in late 2021. Following an eight-year stint in France, during which Nourou earned his Masters degree, Bitcoin Chaincode qualifications, and a deep understanding of legacy financial markets thanks to […]