Former SushiSwap CTO writes short reflection about leadership failures at blockchain DEX

On Friday, Joseph Delong, former chief technology officer of decentralized exchange, or DEX, SushiSwap, published a brief reflection of experiences during his tenure. Delong unilaterally resigned two days prior, citing internal structural chaos among developers behind the popular DEX. In explaining his decision, Delong outlined failures to scale operations, lack of organization skills, problematic contributors, […]
SushiSwap CTO resigns citing internal structural chaos

Late Wednesday, Joseph Delong, chief technology officer of SushiSwap, the thirteenth largest decentralized exchange, or DEX, by trading volume, tendered his immediate resignation from the role. Explaining his decision, Delong gave the following statement: “I wish Sushi the best and am saddened that Sushi is so imperiled within and without. The chaos that is occurring […]