Testing out a referral system

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Hey everyone, I’m Arman, I’ve worked at 4 B2B startups as a software engineer in the Bay Area, and I’m looking for some people to beta test a referral system I’m building out, and give me some feedback on whether or not they’d benefit from it before I finish it off.

Here’s a quick breakdown of how it works;

  1. Say you’re selling avocados, and they’re expiring in 3 days.
  2. You go onto our platform and set a 20% discount rate, and tell us you want to move 5 boxes of avocados in 1 week.
  3. Anybody on our platform who wants to help you sell those items gets a notification with a referral link specific to them. Alternatively, they find your store and click the “sell” button (added by our program) and it copies their unique referral link.
  4. They post that link on their Instagram, or sell it in-person to their friends at the local yoga studio, or they tweet about it.
  5. Any time someone clicks that link and a sale is made, they get a cut and you get a sale that otherwise wouldn’t have happened.

The point being that the sales are timed, that anyone can go ahead and click a “sell” button next to your product and try selling it for you, and you get a breakdown of who’s actually good at selling your stuff and to which communities.

Looking to hash out the idea and see who’d be willing to pilot it with their stores, if that sounds like you, please DM me, and we’ll set up some time.

submitted by /u/ARMATAV
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Picture of Julio Medina

Julio Medina

Just some guy on the interwebs. I'm interested in all facets of internet marketing and technology.

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