First Steps To Wealth by Dani Johnson

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I had never heard of Dani Johnson before in my life. I became a beachbody coach and one of the things that you learn as a beachbody coach is that you need to invest time into personal development. If you know me then you already know that even before becoming a beachbody coach, Personal Development is something that I have always had a passion for. How can you help others in life if you will not take the time to help yourself grow? So anyhow, I was introduced to Dani Johnson and I just happened to get lucky enough to jump in on the release of her newest book called First Steps To Wealth (FSTW) I actually got the book for FREE! All I had to pay was shipping and that was it. All in all I was excited for the steal of a deal that I got on a free book, I mean…even if was a terrible book, all I had paid was shipping so it was not that big of a deal.  I had heard tons of great things about her story and writings,  but  I was not 100% convinced yet. Well, about 1 week later I got the book and began my July Personal Development. I began the read to learn a little bit about this lady. The About Me page on her website describes her like this:

Dani Johnson – Homeless To Millions

Dani Johnson has instructed hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world on how to make millions of dollars. The mountain of continuous testimonies from clients that pour in on her website, Facebook page, and through the mail, speak for themselves: her simple and practical methods work.

Dani travels around the world every month to deliver her “First Steps To Success” and “Creating A Dynasty” seminars to thousands of people, all wanting to learn how Dani Johnson went from being homeless to having millions of dollars. Typical tours include multiple 10-day tours in London for audiences of more than 10,000, and journeys Australia, Belize and India speaking to more than 30,000 people. Dani’s seminars are always completely sold out! Most compelling is how this happens; it is all due to word of mouth. Dani’s loyal clients blog about their extraordinary results from her seminars, reach out in social media daily, and talk and share in public forums so extensively that a standing-room-only crowd is the standard.

Everyone has a unique life story to share – but initially, Dani Johnson’s looked to be made up of hardships and challenge. Dani grew up on welfare in a violently abusive and drug-infested home. She was emotionally, physically, verbally and sexually abused on a regular basis. The personal trauma and violent conditions that Dani identified as home were all she knew. Consequently, she was pregnant at 17 and homeless at 21. Instead of accepting what life had so far scripted for her, Dani rewrote her own playbook, chapter by chapter – and by 23 she was a millionaire. In the years since, Dani Johnson has become a multi-millionaire many times over, owns five companies with her business partner and husband Hans, is a best-selling author, internationally sought-after speaker and radio show host.

The remarkable results and testimonials from clients that have poured in over the years, with hundreds of thousands of referrals, helped her garner the attention of national media: Dani has been a guest on The Oprah Winfrey ShowThe View, Fox & Friends, Good Morning America, and was recently the season premiere star of ABC’s Secret Millionaire. She is regularly called upon by major media for her expertise in the realms of personal wealth and finance, and has recently been featured in USA Today, Forbes,, AOL Finance, Fox Business News and Variety, to name only a few.

Even before Dani was wealthy, giving has been the focus and discipline that she has personally lived by. Because Dani identifies with those who have been abused, assaulted, and forsaken, her driving force in business is to be able to give back to those in need. As a mother of five children, with her fourth grandchild on the way, Dani, with her family, has on a monthly basis been providing clean-water solutions, food, and clothing to hundreds of thousands of children in impoverished areas. They work diligently throughout the year to build homes, feed and clothe homeless children, rescue children from sex trafficking, and educate kids, while also recruiting an army of clients whose lives have been transformed through Dani’s methods. Dani’s is on a personal mission to give away a million dollars a month to provide food, clothing and shelter for children around the world.

Dani’s unique success strategies have empowered and equipped thousands with the knowledge and skills she has learned to achieve what appears to be simply impossible. Dani’s clients include high-level executives, entrepreneurs, and stay-at-home parents, among many others.

Dani’s unique strategies help people to:

  • become debt-free
  •   get more done in less time
  •   make more money in less time
  •   earn much deserved promotions
  •   rack up significant salary increases
  •   raise their sales and profits
  •   improve relationships
  •   create healthy family dynamics
  •   attain success without sacrificing family, fun or health
  •  go on to earn six – and seven-figure incomes
  • create a more disciplined and rewarding lifestyle
  •   discover the immense joy of giving to others

Dani’s passion for showing people how to attain great success in every area of their lives without sacrificing their family, their fun, and their health has become contagious. Dani’s clients apply her straightforward strategies to every aspect of their lives, which in turn has transformed families from stressful to successful: parents see higher school grades from their children, marriages are repaired, kids are more honoring and respectful, and all while debt is annihilated and wealth is attained.

Dani Johnson’s life experiences, wisdom and teachings help people break through barriers that stop them from felling free to make their dreams happen – and she can help you, too. As president and co-founder of Call To Freedom International, a beacon assisting thousands, and as co-founder of King’s Ransom Foundation, a non-profit charity dedicated to serving people in need worldwide, Dani will help you learn to write the next chapters of your own life story.

I made a video review that I shared as well:

I was impressed with all she had done and the struggles that she had been through so I was eager to read the book. Not to mention the fact that she had been on secret millionaire and I think the concept of that show is really cool. So I began the reading! Great Stuff! Very Motivational and very self challenging. The book itself has a wealth full ( no pun intended) of information and very motivating challenging questions to ask yourself like Why Not Me? for example. A question to ask yourself when you are looking at other successful wealthy folks and not doing anything to press on to that mark yourself.  There are many golden nuggets in this book and it well worth the read, the one complaint that  I had was there were way to many testimonials in the book from people that she has helped along the way and it kinda gave the book a little bit more of a salesie kind of a feel to it. But hey, who am I to judge, I don’t have any published works out there and I still did get some quality motivation and learning from the book itself.  I recommend you read it. My July Personal Development was a great success and I am happy I took the time to give it a read. Her other products look really good although I have not tried them yet ( I will update you if I do.)  What did you think about it? Let me know.


Picture of Julio Medina

Julio Medina

Just some guy on the interwebs. I'm interested in all facets of internet marketing and technology.

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