FB Marketing Telegram Group Chat

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Telegram Facebook Marketing Group

There are tons and tons of Facebook groups out there and of course forums, and while there are several telegram groups that are starting to gain traction, they are still lacking a bit in my opinion. So with that in mind, we created a group of our own that we can keep well moderated and hopefully keep everyone active in.

I think the key with Telegram chat groups is that it has to be active chatting for the value to be there in real-time. Nothing is threaded so you are not likely to scroll through a chat of 1000 messages you have missed just to be a lurker. You have to be active and involved in real-time. Having it well kept and moderated will help not only decrease the spam, bots, and scammers but also keep it clean and ready for some good dialog and networking at a moments notice

Picture of Julio Medina

Julio Medina

Just some guy on the interwebs. I'm interested in all facets of internet marketing and technology.

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