Can anybody tell me what is that tied around his legs?
submitted by /u/Wanderingslavzido [link] [comments]
Does anyone know what this pole is on the back of a huey?
submitted by /u/PorgStew [link] [comments]
So sorry to come here and ask this but is there somewhere I can understand a parent that was injured and served in the war better?
Without asking them submitted by /u/GenUineWorks [link] [comments]
This article is about my granpa, and I’d love to share it with you.
submitted by /u/PrestonHM [link] [comments]
F4U Corsair. “Corsair Guy” Korean and Vietnam U.S. Navy Pilot Charles “Obie” O’Brien
submitted by /u/Atellani [link] [comments]
Did We Really Lose The Vietnam War? The Answer is No.
submitted by /u/CowboyJack1 [link] [comments]
Help finding a quote from Nixon?
As title suggests I need help finding a quote I think was from Nixon. I’m doing an essay on the anti war movement and I want to use a quote but I can’t find it. It goes something like ‘i’m ashamed/shocked it’s happening in the first place’. He was talking about the anti-war movement I […]