iSteve:The Book Of Jobs | The Steve Jobs Biography
iSteve: The Book Of Jobs ; I just found out that you can pre-order the Steve Jobs Biography on Amazon and if you have not already done so, YOU SHOULD! I have been an apple fan for several years now and it just seems like with every year that passes or every keynote that Steve Jobs […]
Atkins Day Break Blueberry Almond Baked Square Review
So, I had a chance to taste the other new Day Break Bars in the Atkins line and I am in LOVE. The Atkins Day Break Blueberry Almond Baked Square is a delish little treat. I was not sure what to expect and I will let you in on a little secret, I bought them […]
Dripable – Review of the Drip Feed Blast System
The Hello Bar is a simple web toolbar that engages users and communicates a call to action. I had the opportunity to be a beta tester for the Dripable Drip Feed Service and I wanted to share my review. Dripable Drip Feed Blast Overview from Julio Medina on Vimeo. Pros: […]
Dripable -Drip Feed Blasts | Best Drip Feed Blast System
This is an older posts visit here for the latest review and info: Dripable Review I wanted to post a review on a new system that was just launched called dripable. It is a drip feed blast system and what that means is it build you backlinks on a schedule. What better way […]
Atkins Day Break Oatmeal Cinnamon Baked Square
My Favorite Low Carb Breakfast Bar I am a huge fan of low carb living. I do not follow the Atkins diet to the “T” but I still like to stay very low carb when I am dieting. I do get alot of the atkins bars and there is a new bar that I […]
Knock Knock Stuff
April and I were bored on a weeknight, so we decided to drive around and look through some stores. We stopped @Pier1; I actually like to look in this store, believe it or not. They have some cool stuff for the house and home. It can get kinda pricey, but it’s still fun too look. You […]
The Soul Support Book
So, I’m waiting in the Dr.’s office, and I’m in the lobby waiting to be seen. There’s quite a few people waiting today. There’s a crappy magazine table that probably has a trillion germs all over them. (Yikes!) On the end table closest to me, I see this book: The Soul Support Book by Deb Koffman, […]