I found this website http://www.investopedia.com/ and they have a Stock Simulator game where they give you a set amount of play money and you can invest it any way you want to in REAL TIME.
I did not have an extra 100,000 laying around and that is what they start you off with so I decided to give it a shot. I`ll get my feet wet and then maybe throw some real money in the mix. Here is the cool part. I was able to start a public game where anyone can sign up and join me. So how about it? Are you up for the 6 figure challenge? If so join my game and lets see what we can do here. Do not be scared if you don`t know much about trading you can learn as you go it`s only play money and also sign up for their newsletter and investment word of the day…It`s really easy and it can really teach you a few things about the market and investing.
To join the game or read more about it click here : Julio`s 6 figure challenge – Join Now!
My User Name in the Game is : Medina82